How Good Is Your Money?

Today we talk about money. Such an interesting topic and one that brings love & hate in relationships and personal history of humans.

Money is what most people think they need to survive in this material world and intrinsically our societies in the West are based on a money pyramid, that is those who have more money claim to rule the game. They are assumed to control politics, economics, they would exercise power to make laws and boundaries. That also can create tension with such needs as freedom. When there is inequality of resources, political power games and restrictions, people perceive money sometimes as a negative power.

But if we look into the heart of this matter, money is just another created concept of this world, where most people agree to play this game and be part of it, hence everyone strives to get inside a ‘money wheel’ and make sure they have what they need to feel good in their culture and run inside the wheel as hard as they can. If their cultural norms are high for material goods, they strive and work harder to get them.

Whereas in other societies, materialist is not as strong and people have different needs, prioritising social or spiritual values before material, and on a surface they may have less, but they may feel better. Especially if there are welcoming weather conditions like sun and sea (take for example, Costa Rica, where some of the happiest people in the world live).

The truth is that money has been a good, bad and ugly part of our life and a lot of families break up because of money. So what are the ways to make sure there are no money issues? Honestly, just looking into the ratio balance of how much we need to be happy vs. how much we already have and becoming conscious of your choices. Everyone has a different system of coordinates in regards to money but we all influence each other as we live on this planet and are part of one human system.

The reality is, 99% of families have money issues. If we have little money, we want more and argue because we don’t have enough.

When we have a lot of money, we argue how to make even more from that money. It’s a perpetual tension which in many cases results in conflicts and even wars. But that is not necessary.

If we look at money as energy, we can make it positive. We can make this world a better place by supporting consciously projects & people who make this world a better place, rather then deplete it.

When we are aware of our impact and we are driven by higher spiritual needs, the mental needs get in order to support that. That’s a natural hierarchy.

So the trick is, to keep our mental need for money as a strategy to get to our spiritual target.

What is your life purpose? Once you are clear on that, money is a vehicle to get there.

Also, one of the best ways to overcome money issues is to look into why you need money. Although it is a fundamental human need, there is always a rationale for it. If you want to be significant because of money, how much money do you need to get that significance, and what are you prepared to sacrifice to get there? Once you have that money, what do you want to do with that? What is the effect of you having this resource? Get to the deep down reason of needing more money.

What is your take on money and how do you settle issues in regards to money in your family?

I look forward to hearing from you.

With love,



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