100% Movement = 100% Health

I went to a physio the other day and saw a note in their office: 100% movement means 100% health. I really liked it and realised that I spent way too much time in front of my gadgets. I remembered my corporate life of sitting hours doing work in front of screens slouching and bending forward only resulting in neck and shoulder pain later on. I also had a hand pain as I was using a computer mouse in a wrong way and was not having one of that organomic seats. No, actually I had that seat but used it in a wrong way. The result? Pain in my body. I had issues with my lower back, I started having headaches and my overall well-being went down hill. Surely, this was not just from sitting, right?

Well, the fact was that I spent the majority of my time not moving. I used a car to drive from my home to office. At home I barely moved. Even on skiing holidays, I was using ski lifts to go up and down and skiing was just standing on my two feet, which was good enough to slide down. I questioned how much I moved generally and realised to my surprise it was only about a third of my day time.

On a positive side, it was good that I realised it being in my 30s. I think there is still a chance to improve health by the time one is 80. And especially if one wants to live a long healthy life. This was a manifesto for me. From then moment onwards I started moving much more. Reducing the use of car was the hardest. My impulse was to use it all the time. Walking to school to pick up kids and walking with them back home? At first they hated it but then, they got used to! I started using the step-monitor app to count steps during the day. It was tough at the beginning but then became a fun exercise.

In the end, I felt much, much better. So it was the sitting that drained my health in the end.

What about you? I would love to hear from you what you do to create movement in your life.

Until then, stay ENRICHed.

Love, Darya


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