by Darya | Feb 12, 2020 | Emotional Needs, Freedom, Goals, Gratitude, Habit Change, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Interesting Facts, Love, Positivity, Relationships
1. The Brain is wired differently for love and lust. It is possible to love someone and have a lust for them or for someone else. Lust is governed by the brain regions that are responsible for rewards and pleasure and is governed by a hormone called dopamine, whereas...
by Darya | Dec 4, 2018 | Emotional Needs, Happiness, Health, Interesting Facts, Longevity, Mental Needs, Physical Needs, Positivity, Purpose, Relationships, Spiritual Needs, Thriving, Travel
10 Best Retreats for Christmas and New Year ? Wanting to escape the hustle and bustle of Christmas time? Fed up of the exhaustion which often surround the festivities? Why don’t you try swapping the winter blues for a hard-earned luxury retreat in a paradise...
by Darya | Oct 8, 2018 | Emotional Needs, Happiness, Health, Interesting Facts, Mental Needs, Positivity, Power, Success
Why You Should Raise Your Dopamine Level and How ? What is dopamine and why you should increase the level of it? Below are some of the steps to live your life on ‘high-energy’. Best leaders are great at managing their own and other people’s states. To do that,...
by Darya | Apr 2, 2018 | Communication, Emotional Needs, Interesting Facts, Positivity, Relationships, Thriving
Growing together lovingly, feeling positive and grateful for all the challenges sounds like a dream state of a long-term relationship. The reality of our family life is not always the same. Did you notice that our intimate partner has a special trigger to get the best...
by Darya | May 2, 2017 | Darya, Interesting Facts, Stress, Thriving
My 5 Favourite Tricks to Release Stress Worry-free, anxiety-free life ? Hello stranger, We are all unique beings on this planet and although we have different temperaments we have some similarities in the way we react to stress. There are basic universal...
by Darya | Mar 13, 2017 | Darya, Interesting Facts, Thriving
How can we thrive in times of increased demand on our nervous system? With the rise of technological solutions, social media platforms, smart phone apps and global 24/7 teams, we see higher expectations for productivity, creativity and efficiency at work, demands at...