It’s a wonderful week before the New Year: time to reflect on the past and plan for the future.

Today we talk about Rest as part of the Physical needs of the Ladder of human needs.

‘In a rested mind a spirit awakens’ – this popped up in my head after a power nap. I used to work so hard and think it’s a waste of time to sleep in the afternoon. But once I got exhausted and felt asleep around 3pm asking myself to wake up in 20 minutes and…I did. I woke up exactly 20 minutes after without an alarm clock. I don’t know how.

What this small power rest does to many people, according to the research, is a more rested mind that welcomes spiritual awakening. But what does that mean?

As one yogi said, one cannot see their own reflection in a running water. In the same way, we need to quiet our mind to be able to reflect on ourselves and allow unconsciousness to take control. Unconsciousness is pure creativity, spirituality and it creates big magic. When we sleep this is what happens. Our mind seems to change gears and it does not rule us anymore like it used to, it feels calmer but more motivated. It has new inspirations and new strength. I loosen up and get ready to be welcoming new challenges in my life with more openness and humbleness.

One Thursday morning, when I had planned my entire week normally during the previous week, my client sends me a note that they cannot attend the following day’s session. That would be fine if only another client would not send a note that they have decided to go on holidays and hence need to postpone our coaching session. This all happened after I moaned the night before that I didn’t like something that my husband did. I remember being so negative that I thought how could I bring positive results if I cannot change my own negative reaction to the behaviour of my husband. I know it could be coincidence that it all happened like that but in the past I didn’t have that emotionally strong response and never my clients would send me messages to postpone our sessions so unexpectedly.

I had a power nap that day during a coaching time of the cancelled session. As I woke up, I received a lovely message from my client saying that they really enjoyed an exercise that I had sent to them. At almost the same time I received another message from the client who went on holidays that they really should have had that session. They wanted to fast-forward the next week session to tomorrow. Rested mind creates wonders.

How do you rest? What helps you to relax?

Until soon,

Love, Darya


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