
Does your fridge look like this? I bet it doesn’t. Mine doesn’t too.

When I grew up, I realised that my cooking habits were very much like my mum’s. Although I liked all those healthy-diets and greens, I ended up buying the same stuff I used to buy when I lived with my parents. I asked myself, why does this happen?

Habits rule unless you rule habits. So I decided to change them. I stocked up only healthy organic products, lots and lots of greens and guess what… I ended up cooking only those things I knew how to cook and only few of them were green! I was frankly scared of cooking kale, sprouts, soy, alfalfa because I had no clue how to cook them!

Since then I have learnt a lot of recipes and tasted some of the most amazing dishes made from raw ingredients and with lots of greens (thanks to my little sister who is vegie for more than a decade).  Despite the fact it’s winter in this part of the world, you can still treat yourself with something special to feel ENRICHed.

So here is a healthy recipe to help you on the way of changing your diet to be more alkaline.

Darya’s favourite green smoothie with coconut water


1 lemon juiced

1 handful of spinach

1 apple

½ handful of parsley

1 tea spoon of agar agar powder

1 handful of watercress

1 cup of coconut water


Place all ingredients in the food processor/blender and mix. Continue to blend until all ingredients become liquid. Serve immediately.

Hope you like it and I look forward to hearing  your favourite recipes using alkaline ingredients!

and… good luck with your green-to-be fridge!


with love



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