by Darya | Dec 5, 2017 | Darya, Emotional Needs, Gratitude, Habit Change, Happiness, Mental Needs, Physical Needs, Stress, Success, Thriving, Welcome!
If a genie appeared in front of you now and offered to fulfil one wish, which wish would you choose? It’s a classic story when you would want a wish ‘to be able to make other wishes come true’. That’s called a meta-wish. To prepare ourselves for the future, we would...
by Darya | Nov 14, 2017 | Darya, Emotional Needs, Happiness, Health, Love, Relationships
Hello, sunshine! There are many people who inspire me and I would like to introduce you to one of my friends who inspired me to be healthier (thanks to him today was the first day I stopped eating sugar!), look deeper into relationships from an evolutionary...
by Darya | Oct 16, 2017 | Communication, Darya, Happiness, Love, Relationships, Welcome!
This simple change can shift your relationships into bliss ? There are many elements to a relationship. If you want to feel fulfilled and happy, there is one key element that helps me, and thousands of people who tried it, turn their relationships into bliss....
by Darya | Sep 18, 2017 | Darya, Freedom, Habit Change, Relationships, Travel
LIFE FAMILY JOURNAL What I've learnt spending 5 weeks on a boat in Greece ? FAMILY LIFE SEA JOURNAL – August 2017 WHAT HAVE WE LEARNT FROM LIVING ON A BOAT FOR A MONTH IN GREECE It all started with an idea to swim at sea in Greece during summer. Our two boys, age...
by Darya | Jul 18, 2017 | Darya, Mental Needs, Psychology of needs, Purpose, Thriving
What inspires you? What motivates you to wake up every day? If you find yourself feeling tired for quite some time, making conflicting decisions or feeling stuck, a reason could be the misalignment of your three systems: body-mind-spirit. To make them aligned, think...